"You must learn to let go. Release the stress. You were never in control anyway." - Steve Maraboli
Stress is a constant in many of our lives. We've all heard this before: Some stress is good, but too much stress keeps those cortisol levels high and is not healthy over a long period.
Many surveys report that stress is the number one wellness issue for employees. These days, we've added a pandemic and a possible work from home schedule into the mix, which has their unique layer of stressors attached to them.
The root cause of much of our stress stems from lamenting past failures and worrying about future outcomes. More than ever, as a society, we need to become more mindful about being present. The current state of the world has taught us all that nothing in life can be planned perfectly. There will always be a hiccup or a blockage in the road. But, there are ways that we can help make sure we can healthily handle these daily stressors.
1. Remember that you make the best decisions you can (at that given time)
2. Own your morning - a lot of us are working from home, try and get a morning routine in place that works for you. One Zero dB tip: We like to start our days with warm lemon water.
3. Breathe. Deep breaths.
4. Get outside. That fresh air is SO important and can quite literally change your mood in an instant.
5. Get and stay active. It's so much easier these days to not move as much since many of our usual activities are closed. Schedule in a daily walk, 5-minute stretch, workout, or all 3! Whatever fits best in your schedule. Just be sure to move every day!
6. Have a Zero dB! We may be biased, but science doesn't lie! This is the perfect way to rid yourself of unwanted anxieties when you need to be focused on what it is you're working on.
7. Detach from the outcome - as long as you're doing your best, you have done your part. If a problem arises after the fact, you now have the tools to help you focus and problem solve. You've got this!
If you try these out, please share your experiences with us. We would also love to hear any additional tips you have to help #QuietTheNoise in your life.